This is the part that many people seem to deliberately misunderstand "If we were slowly raising Earth’s temperature over a few million years rather than spiking it over a few centuries, then biodiversity would be reshaped rather than decimated as life adapted to new conditions. There’s nothing inherently inhospitable about the planet being several degrees warmer – crocodiles and lemurs can live in the high Arctic if conditions are right". What makes me pessimistic is not just the misunderstanding or ignorance of what is occurring (as if simply providing good information would have an impact) but the deliberate misunderstanding which actively resists information. While there is plenty of attention and study devoted to what is happening and how we might best react, I have yet to see a credible move towards building the national and international will to respond. I'm not sure we're any closer now than we were in 2000 even with all of the supporting data gathered over the last 20 years.

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