Apr 19Liked by Jason Anthony

Another substantial and moving essay. Three years of substantial and moving essays! We are all so indebted to your commitment and beauty of expression.

My only thoughts on your request for feedback - you are a writer, not a podcaster. I think I’m not alone as a reader in saying that audio versions of essays and books don’t do it for me. I lose focus. I want written words that I can sound in my head, reread and admire, reread and finally understand the deep idea conveyed. If I wish you anything this year it is the freedom from feeling you have to record your voice reading your essays. Be the best writer you can be. Period. Get out your canoe, go camping, take a hike, help a grumpy old turtle cross the road!

Just my thoughts. Many thanks, as always 🌞

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Thank you for posing important questions. The gray fox’s fate, and that of millions of creatures, is heartbreaking…I am beginning to notice more and more how bloodstained our highways are. In a constant state of feeling blood on my hands just for being part of these systems we did not choose yet cannot escape.

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Apr 19Liked by Jason Anthony

Jason, I am new to your work and I still have a lot of reading to do. With every new essay I read I get to learn about things I never new. I get sad and angry and desperate, yes, but I also feel wonder about this intricate world we live in. And I am grateful for your time and effort you put on your writing. Thank you!

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