Thanks for keeping the essays and insights coming, particularly when busy moving. Wishing you a happy new home! Recent missives remind me of conversations found in McPhee's "Encounters with the Archdruid" and the costs of our lifestyles, even when trying to be conscientious. Paint is such a simple, common thing that we've all employed, yet as it continues to cover the world at an astounding rate (and the associated industrial development that is leading to loss of clean air and water), I appreciate writings like yours which help to inculcate some bigger sense of responsibility and hope that development and environment could go hand-in-hand.

In searching for something to help me visualize what 10 billion gallons of paint would look like, I came across this tidbit: we Americans use 322 billion gallons of water each day! (https://medium.com/ensia/america-uses-322-billion-gallons-of-water-each-day-heres-where-it-goes-35cba911da48). A whole different conversation, I know, but wow!

Got a lot out of "Footprints" and look forward to reading more. Good recommendations!

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Thanks for the thoughtful comment. Writing while moving has been a challenge, less for not knowing where my books are and more for finding the time amid our ever-expanding to-do list. But it feels good to keep trying to say something useful.

I did play around with offering a visualization of the ten billion gallons of paint, actually, but it was 2 a.m. and nothing was really working for me so I let it go... But the Medium article you linked is a good one. If my math is right - always a risk - then 10 billion gallons is about the volume of about 36 Empire State Buildings.

Really glad you liked Footprints. That book sneaked up on me several times with some excellent writing. As for the next recommendation, anything by Robert Macfarlane is a good choice; I'm really excited to dive into his newest, Underland.

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