Apr 7, 2023Liked by Jason Anthony

Jason, a perfect read this morning. As I was drinking my coffee I greedily absorbed each word. What wonder. Loved each poetic sentence.. do you still have the hat?☺️

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Thank you, Laurie. The hat saw many more years usage, until the yarn started disintegrating. I think it may still be stored somewhere, if only because I couldn't yet throw it out.

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Jason Anthony

Completely magical: your writing and experiences, the birds themselves. That visit from the robin and the waxwing! You are an exceptional spirit and it shows so clearly why you would get such visitations.

The world has such profound beauty and the creatures in it, crows, petrels, keas have such a mysterious depth and intelligence. It is wondrous and humbling. I don't mind if the Sixth Extinction collects us to its embrace, but please leave the birds.

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Thank you, Michael. I could have talked so much more about each of these birds and their wonders. So much life, and so much depth, as you say.

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Thank you so much for taking us along with you on your wonderful travels.


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