Now for the sake of getting a conversation started, let me expand on my criticisms. No one, absolutely no one is advocating that we sit in sack cloth and ashes and do nothing -simply because we have done our homework and see the disastrous trendlines. In fact, it's we dispairers who are the least likely to sit and do nothing to try and slow down and mitigate the changes. We live in the fact-based community. The dreamers who think that humans will come up, inevitably, with some constellation of fixes and everything will be all better, are the ones most likely to sit on their hands. Being lectured that big oil and the fossil fuel industry are the villains and all it takes is political action to rein them in and, presto chango! everything will be hunky dory, does no good. We ourselves created that industry- they didn't come to earth in flying saucers! We created them, nurtured them, sustain them and must take responsibility. We ourselves are the villains and always have been and likely always will be. There are limits, hard evolutionary limits, to human intelligence and the way we handle and prioritize problems and the Anthropocene, the Pyrocene, are the outcome of humans as change-agents limited by their own biology. I see no reason, short of reengineering ourselves, not to believe that we wont keep repeating the same mistakes over and over.

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