Thanks for this brilliant and important essay Jason. 👏 Always nice to see a tip of the hat to the extraordinary Ed Yong.

Your observations of our ecological blindness and tech powers calls up this observation by EO Wilson:

"The real problem of humanity is the following: We have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions and godlike technology. And it is terrifically dangerous, and it is now approaching a point of crisis overall."

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Dear Jason,

Thank you for taking the time to share important information , pertinent links, and your own insights on the Anthropocene and life in general in a detailed and poetic way ~much appreciated. Also, love the photos and video. The video of the waves is a multidimensional artwork in and of itself. Lovely!

Thank you,


P.S. I recently visited Maine and thanks to your/a previous article that included the history behind Malaga Island, I was able to look at Maine from different perspectives; e.g., what else has been omitted from history? e.g. there were no land acknowledgements by our tour guides -- only mentions of the magnanimous white men who preserved Maine. . . We did try to visit Malaga Island but the Maine Coast Heritage Trust Google directions were a bit spotty, and we, unfortunately, did not have time to pursue. Maine, such a breathtaking landscape with many hidden histories.

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Another excellent article on the consequences of we humans separating ourselves from our natural world. We have instead cocooned ourselves in an artificial world of our design, which we think is an extension of us. But it is not. It is totally and completely artificial.

Nothing in this digital and computer world is real. We need to admit it. Otherwise, we not only fool ourselves, we continue to not notice reality.

If you want real, step outside and take it all in. Listen. See. Feel.

When I watch our avian companions, how they vocalize, how and when they sit still and when they fly off in a hurry I see a species in harmony with Nature. This is so different than us.

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I am new to your Substack. This is the first article of yours that I’ve read, and I am blown away. Thank you so much.

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